St. Gallen-Shanghai-Shenzhen/October 2024
Second BCD Program in China
After the successful publication of the 2nd Chinese-language edition of Simon Sagmeister’s book Business Culture Design by our partner PHEI, we are thrilled to share this exciting news. The Culture Institute will return to China to host another special Business Culture Design program.
This eagerly anticipated event will take place at two locations: from November 26th to 27th, 2024, in Shanghai, and from November 29th to 30th, 2024, in Shenzhen.
With a carefully designed two-day curriculum, led by expert facilitators Dr. Simon Sagmeister and Fabian Dörler and featuring hands-on experiential learning, we will explore the art and science of organizational culture in depth. Participants will be empowered to become change agents in their industries and will receive an official BCD license upon successful completion of the course. The course will be delivered in both English and Chinese.
Join us on an unforgettable journey of cultural transformation in China. Together, we will blend Swiss precision with Chinese innovation, cultivating organizational cultures that pave the way to success. Reserve your spot now to be part of this extraordinary opportunity. We look forward to our adventure in China!
For more information, please check out this website.
在我们的合作伙伴电子工业出版社(PHEI)成功出版Simon Sagmeister的《企业文化设计》第二版中文版后,我们很高兴分享这一激动人心的消息。瑞士企业文化研究所将再次回到中国,举办一场特别的企业文化设计项目。
此次备受期待的活动将于2024年11月26日至27日在上海,2024年11月29日至30日在深圳举行。通过精心设计的两天课程,由专业导师Simon Sagmeister博士和Fabian Dörler带领,结合动手实践的体验学习,我们将深入探索企业文化的艺术与科学,帮助参与者成为其行业内的变革推动者。参与者在成功完成课程后,将获得官方的BCD许可证。本项目将以英文和中文提供。